Sunday, January 08, 2006

more technical difficulties

So the other side of this whole phone-only thing is that I'd given k a long calendar of assignments to do for me (one of my favorite things to do when we have to spend time apart). But nearly all of the assignments were computer-related, so I'm having to re-think all that.

I've been tempted to reformulate the assignments or add in some different ones that could be done away from the internet, but as I mentioned in the previous post, I'm getting the sense that things are a little fragile right now. So best course of action seemed to be to just cancel all the assignments for now. Once she's back online and we're talking regularly and all, I can always re-schedule them. She'll have a whole lot of work cut out for her though lol, getting caught up with everything in a shorter timeframe... but as I mentioned, my k is up to it. Strong girl.


CZ said...

I really feel for you both. I can't imagine maintaining a long-distance relationship of any kind, let alone a M/s relationship. I give you both kudoes for making it work.

That said, this post disturbs me. While I don't know either of you well enough to know what works or doesn't for you, I can well imagine how I would feel in k's place right now.

Rush doesn't give me tasks, per sei, but there are certain expectations He has for me for those times when we are not physically together. Some are simple like keeping AIM open when I'm at the computer or taking my phone with me when I go outside to smoke. Some are a little more complicated, entailing variations on His rules for me, given certain situations I might find myself in when He's not around.

These things give me a sense of belonging. They keep Him foremost in my mind, even when He's nowhere near me physically. They remind me constantly of my place. At times, I'll admit, that's annoying and maybe even cumbersome. But for the most part, it's reassuring to have that structure and sense that I am never alone, that I belong to Him always, and that my behavior and attitude should reflect this no matter where He is.

At those times when I am feeling distant, perhaps pulling away from Him a little emotionally or mentally, that is *precisely* when I need those little tasks, or reminders, the very most. They center me, bring me back not only to where I belong, but to where I feel most at peace.

Sorry to be so long-winded, guess I don't know HOW to be concise. I just hope you give it a little more thought, perhaps, before rejecting altogether those tasks you had planned for her. I could be completely off base, but now may be the exact time she needs those the most.

CZ said...

Irch - just wanted to add something here. Rush was kind enough to point out to me that my comments might have been taken as presumptious or overstepping my bounds (He was far more tactful in how He presented it to me). So if I came across as disrespectful, I do apologize. I spoke from the heart, as a friend to a friend, rather than as a sub to a dom.

Irch said...

Thanks for your comments, taylor, and you haven't 'overstepped' anything at all - your words are most welcome.

And of course I've thought about all those things you mentioned. If it were merely a case of her being away from her computer, I'd just change her assignments to something different. But there's also the fact that she's staying with friends and doesn't have much free time to herself at all. Plus, truth be told, she does have some a certain daily assignment she always does for me, and that has most definitely not been suspended.

So I'm touched by your concern taylor, but I'm not worried about anything in the least. I have perfect confidence that she's thinking of me as much as I'm thinking of her (read: constantly), and that she feels the same strong connection that I do. I don't think she needs the assignments to remind her of that.(Besides, if she really misses them, what's better than having your subbie beg you for more?)

I've got patience, and I'm using it. It's putting me to the test, for sure, but it only goes to underscore how much she means in my life. We'll both emerge with an unmatched eagerness and thirst for each other at the end of the week.

Desireous said...

Irch I've tagged you hun! You might miss it since I've already posted something else since then. Just didn't want you to miss it!

I think every relationship is unique and you as a dom have to do what you feel is right at that moment which is exactly what you seem to be doing.


Irch said...

ty for your kind words as well, des. And yes, I noticed your tag right away, just had to take a little time to get my answers together!