Thursday, January 05, 2006

January thaw

Ah feeling soooo very good today. I went back to read my last post, which was even more scattered and screwed up than usual, and already I can't believe I was that person two days ago. All distraught and anguished and angst-y. Call me manic depressive, I guess, but today I'm just soaringly happy.

Because my k is back.

We chatted for a nice long time yesterday, and there was a delightful voice-mail from her waiting on my cell phone this morning. It really does feel like a big old iceberg thawing and melting into something warm and soothing. I didn't realize till we talked just how far gone into misery I was. "Never saw the morning till I stayed up all night," and all that, I guess.

Wow, when I start quoting song lyrics like a crushy high school sophomore, you know I'm running on endorphins and hormones here. Life's colorful and brilliant and clear again. Nice.

From time to time I try to distance myself mentally, and try to believe that this relationship is only what it looks like on its face: an extended flirtation, an exchange of words, two people masturbating a couple thousand miles apart, a mental construction, a high-tech pen-pal match, a flight of fancy. But my whole being rebels at those kinds of representations. The bond between me and k is simply not any of those things. Never has been. Won't ever be. Wild as it sounds, she's got a big old chunk of my soul, I lay claim to a chunk of hers, and no amount of "reality-check-hello-this-is-just-online" can convince me otherwise.

It's just real. The time apart, the extended lack of intimacy, made me look at things from different angles, but I kept coming back to the same conclusion: it's just real.

I cherish my k. I own my k. I love my k. Welcome back darlin.

1 comment:

Irch said...

Well thank you ling :) It's always nice to know someone in the same boat as k and myself. Hope you find our blather (well ok, my blather and k's insightful comments...) useful, and you can be sure I'll be reading your blog regularly too.

Best of luck!