Thursday, January 19, 2006

Literary Theory

So I've been reading this very nice novel called Arabian Nights and Days, by Naguib Mahfouz (not too into the whole hyperlink-to-Amazon thing, so I'll let you search for it yourself if you're interested - English translation quoted below is published by Anchor/Doubleday). Enjoying it quite a bit, and last night I came across this passage:

"He too was all the time wondering about the extraordinary dream which surpassed reality in its devasting effect ... Where [was] the world and everything in it? Nothing existed but that sparkling image, the sumptuous bedchamber, and the bed itself which was larger than the whole of his own bedroom. He had seen a vision of reality, had made real love, and here he was now loving in a way in comparison with which any actual love would be weak and feeble. Here he was suffering life's languor, its loneliness, its melancholy and everlasting sadness in being separated from her; it lingered in his nostrils. As for her whispered words, they repeated themselves with his every breath."

Yeah wow, good writing there dude. It's about a man obsessing over a very realistic dream he had about making love to a beautiful woman, but of course it really is a nice parallel to the way I feel about my k. I tend to think of the online/real-life duality as more of a shared reality, with lots of bleeding and blending from both sides and a nice enjoyably roomy gray area in the middle of true overlap. At least this is how I've been feeling the last months since making k mine. In the deeper past, I really kept online and r/l as quite separate entities in my mind. It really did feel more like a dream/reality dichotomy back then. These days, k and everything surrounding her are part and parcel of ordinary life, which of course is the most magical thing about it.

My online life with my lovely subbie may not be exactly a dream in the sense of the passage above, but she's certainly the girl of my dreams, nevertheless.

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