Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dominatus Interruptus

Well an interesting thing happened last night. I had given my k a certain task to do (which was actually a sort of "replacement" assignment for something else, but that's another story...). But due to an unforeseeable r/l development, she was unable to complete it.

Now of course this sort of thing happens all the time, and when in an online relationship like ours, you have to get used to it. And it's not like similar unexpected interruptions don't happen to real-life couples as well. The difference is that there's sort of a lower "threshold" in online life, because, well, it's online. I don't know about other people, but I'm personally not yet at the point where I'll say to a friend or relative "oh I was chatting online with some of my chatroom friends," let alone say "I was in a heavy scene with my online subbie." It's just not something I'd think to bring up in a r/l conversation - requires too much explanation. Then again, I'm old. Maybe young folks feel more free about such things. So anyhow, I'd never dream of telling k that she had to hang up on a close friend who called her in the middle of the night to talk about important stuff, just so she could complete an assignment for me. If I were lying in bed naked with her in real life and her friend called, things might be different...

So back to the story. She told me later that, during her conversation with her r/l friend, her mind kept going back to me and how disappointed I'd be. Well, OK I guess I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't able to enjoy the result of her assignment, but I certainly wasn't disappointed in k herself! Real-life stuff is real-life stuff, and when it's important it takes priority - I'd never punish her or express displeasure with her for those reasons.

It made me feel a little guilty at first when she said that her mind kept flashing back to me when she was on the phone with her friend. But now that I've thought about it more, I don't feel bad about it. It's a natural thing, and really it's so flattering to know that I stay in her mind. *Chest swells with pride*

Even in little glitches like this, I find reasons to love my k more.


Desireous said...

And right you are not to feel bad about it! That's a wonderful thing!


Irch said...

Nice of you to say so, Des. And yeah, 'wonderful' is a pretty damn good word for it :)