Tuesday, January 10, 2006

the magic touch

mmmmm yes I'm feeling awfully good today... my k ended up being able to get online yesterday, and looks like we'll be able to be together this week after all! *attempts not to bouce off the walls because it is so undignified and unDomly*

So we were able to chat for an hour or so in the afternoon yesterday, and another hour or so in the evening. Just like k indicated in her post, I'm positively aching to be with her again alrady. And there was something that occurred to me as I was thinking about it later...

The first brief-ish chat we had yesterday was full of catching up and questions and fun and teasing and giddy excitement (giddy on k's part of course, as mentioned above, I'm far too stately and grave a Dom to act giddy). And our second brief-ish chat was full of, well, more of the same, plus a healthy dollop of what we called in junior high the "mushy stuff."

But when we were starting to say our goodbyes, I realized that something was missing. We've been communicating with voicemail and text messages and all so much that we hadn't had any physical contact in ages.

OK, yes, it's true that, being an online couple, we've never had physical contact in the usual sense, nor will we ever in all likelihood. But we do have scenes, which I've stated here numerous times feel so real as to be indistinguishable from actual touch in the heat of the moment and in memory later. And that's one thing I've been craving without putting a name to it, I guess. So, there not being time for the drawn-out scenes we're famous for, I opted for a kiss.

I swear I felt the kiss actually raise my body temperature and make sweat stand out on my forehead, in addition to the other physical reactions that I'm sure you can all imagine. In fact, it's still keeping me warm now, almost half a day later. How I need this woman. My will to possess and treasure and dominate k has reached a (literal) fever pitch today.

It's fun to be the cool aloof Dom, bemused by the antics of his girl, always in control. But things are going to be wild when I see her later today. I don't think I can be held responsible for the instinctual, animal lusts that must be slaked.

*Stalks k with the sprung quietness of a predator, pent-up energy threatening to erupt at any moment*


tracyg said...


I found you by following a link off a link off a link :)

This is your first post I've read and you've left me wet and even more than usual longing for my long distance Master!

Irch said...

nan and brat- it's nice of you to drop by and glad you enjoy the humble blog. Thanks for your kind words!

ling- thanks for responding to the tag!

Anonymous said...

(Linked from urbanstud)

Mmmm...I love the way you talk about her, how your feelings go beyond desire - you *crave* her.
Your words make me even wetter than I already was, anticipating seeing my own partner tonight, lol.

I must say your comment about never having physical contact "in the usual sense" is fascinating to me. I'm new to your blog, so I didn't realize you *were* an online couple. (Although you say later that you will "see" her later, so I'm a little confused.) I was wondering if you could elaborate on how a "virtual" kiss, how "virtual" physical intimacy effects you as strongly as, um, in-person intimacy?

Irch said...


I'm gonna refer you to previous posts on that one, but it's a topic that comes up here really often, because it's on that on my mind a lot, and k's too.

And in case there's any confusion, yes we are an online-only couple. If I say I'll "see" her, it only means that we'll be online chatting at the same time...