Monday, January 09, 2006

guden tag

Well it seems I've been "tagged" for the first time, by the very nice Desireous and her sexy blog. I have to answer some questions and then pass them on to some other folks to answer as well. Ah the wacky world of blogs. A welcome distraction in my current state of solitude, to tell you the truth...

I'm answering all these questions based on my real-life experience of course. (In cyber, life is much more exotic....)

1. Have you had three-way or group sex? Nope, one at a time's already more than I can handle sometimes, ty very much

2. Have you had sex during menstruation? Believe it or not, I have actually never menstruated... But I suppose I should answer this from my own male point of view. Yes, I have indeed had sex while a football game was on.

3. Have you had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender? Nope.

4. Have you had sex in your parent's home? More times than I can count.

5. Have you had hot interracial sex? Fraid not.

6. Have you masturbated in front of another person? Yes. And if you include using the webcam, yeah I'd say I've gone more than my fair share of that in the past.

7. Have you had sex in a public place? A couple times in semi-public. Not really in view or anything, but with the possibility of being surprised by a passer-by.

8. Have you been filmed or photographed having sex? Nope.

9. Have you had anal sex? never.

10. Have you masturbated today? Not as of this writing... ;)

11. Have you had sex in a car? Not ever gotten all the way to actual sex, but of course plenty of groping and fondling and licking and such delicious things.

So now I'm supposed to tag three other people. Hm, I'm rather new to this whole tagging thing, and don't have a whole lotta bloggy-type people I know, but I'll tag a few folks who've stopped by the ol' blog lately:


Dave aka B has declined, so I'm forwarding his slot to:

go to town, folks!

1 comment:

Desireous said...

Oh Dave (aka B) you're such a party pooper! Boo!
