Monday, February 06, 2006

Nothing to Sneeze at

Alright, so my k is sick - caught a flu bug or something. I tell ya that's not exactly my favorite thing in the whole world. I've got this fundamental urge to always keep her healthy and safe from harm, and it irks me to no end that I can't really do anything to help her from this distance. What the hell good am I as her Dom if I can't care for her, make tea, fluff pillows, purchase kleenex?

Oh yeah, you can all tell just what an extremely harsh Dom I am now. Not exactly the kind of stuff you'd expect to see in a BDSM singles ad is it?

But this is a big part of the love side of things, and I find myself reaching out to help my k in D/s ways (or trying to at least), telling her that she needs to rest and drink her fluids and all. Basically demanding that she tend to and take care of her body, because it belongs to me like the rest of her. Yes, I know she'd do these things anyway. But geez I gotta feel useful somehow! I flatter myself into thinking that if I didn't lay down the law, she'd be tempted to overwork.
This is one of the harder parts of being in an online relationship. I'm pretty darned impotent when it comes to stuff like this. Sure, last time she got sick, I mailed her a box of herbal tea and sudafed, but that's no replacement for having someone there with you to run errands and take care of little stuff you don't have the energy to do.

One thing that I'm able to do, and am happy to do, is sympathize a lot. Let her know that she's not weak for skipping this or that activity. Let her know that even though she may feel like hell, she's beautiful and mine, that I own and treasure every aching braincell and each swollen sinus and every feverish shiver. She's all mine, always loved.

Hope you feel better soon, my lovely girl.

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