Sunday, October 02, 2005


OK it's been a while since I posted here, because of various work-related real-life stuff, bleh. But things between me and k have continued to get better and better, despite the fact that we haven't been able to be online together much lately. One of the reasons is that we have discovered the joys of what I'll call "tasks," for lack of a better word.

So the idea is hardly original, but what happens is that I'll give k some specific activity to perform in my absence, which we'll talk about later. It might be something like telling her to masturbate before she goes to sleep, or to whisper my name to herself 7 times at noon, or to squeeze her own breasts in front of a mirror in a certain way, or whatever. The mind boggles
at the possibilities, really. But it all amounts to the same thing: I'm trying to reach through and past the internet connection and touch her real life in some way.

One great part of tasks is that it's a real D/s thrill. Issuing orders and having them carried out, especially if they are just a little bit out-of-the-ordinary (and more especially if they relate to ideas of sexual domination), is just so hot. But more than that, it's been a great way to feel like I'm in contact with my subbie during a busy time when IM chat is impossible. I know that she's doing something for me, feeling my presence with her even when I'm not "there." Frankly, her submission and willingness to perform these tasks is pretty damned inspiring, driving me to come up with more creative ideas each time.

And the best thing of course is that, as I said, I feel like we have a life "together" beyond the times when we're both online at the same time. (I keep putting these things in quotes, trying to convince myself that it's not real life, when it feels so much like it most of the time) k obeys me and feels me with her through her real life, and I feel closer to her because of it. It's something I wouldn't have thought to do until the collar, something that's added a new depth and meaning to our relationship.

So glad and proud that we've started to build a bridge between the online and offline parts of our lives.

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