Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I installed a little countdown thingy on the left-hand side of the blog. I love being able to track progress toward a goal, but then again it bothers me that it doesn't move just a tad faster.

Anyone got any Star-Trek-style space/time continuum tricks for making that day come a little quicker? Or know a way to get word to Satan that I'd like to make some sort of deal?

Buying my plane ticket today, so that will undoubtedly help, or make it even harder to wait, or both simultaneously. Do I sound at my wit's end yet?


Anonymous said...

Chuckles.....remind me to tell you one day about my first meeting with Master. I flew to Sydney, then Los Angeles, then Las Vegas, alone. I got to Las Vegas, jet lagged etc etc....freaked right out....and I forgot I had to get my luggage and was expecting Him to meet me right in the lounge. I waited two hours in that dam lounge, then it dawned on me...I had to go elsewhere to collect my suitcase (and that of course is where He would be). I found my way...my case was taken from the carousel, no Master in sight (He had gotten in an hour before my flight - so 3 hours earlier). I went from airline to airline, forgetting which one He had been on from London....He apparently was paging me but I was too fraught to hear an intercom...He found me...at the wrong airline counter, He tracked my case down which was sitting outside my airline (because I told them I was looking for someone) and they suggested to Him that He check the name tag (so as not to give away my name). I was at completely the wrong counter... forcing the poor man to check another flight that arrived hours ago with a totally different airline. Master came in, recognised me, kissed me on the cheek, took my hand, led me out, talked the whole time and well...the poor man from Delta airlines was left bemused .... smiles... Although I do think I ran back and thanked him profusely for his time and stuttered a bit as my Man dragged me outside, with every single part of Him busting to tell me how excited He was at just finding me...

Now, I dont need you to remind me, as I have just told you what happened....it certainly took the edge off the nerves....

Your time will happen soon enough, in fact now you have booked, it will happen before you know it....

Embrace the anticipation, the meeting and hang on to it...you wont have that feeling again for a while.

Love and hugs


Irch said...

This is quite a story, Rosie! Thanks for sharing here and the longer version at your own blog.

I'm trying to enjoy the feeling of anticipation, and sometimes I can be good at patience, but this is a whole new ballgame.