Monday, June 12, 2006

Threads of Thought

Apologies in advance for what will likely be one of those rambling posts. Just quick takes on items that I'll do doubt explore in depth later...

  • My inspiring k is sick. Pobrecita has a croaky sore throat and feels miserable. I really hate that I can't be with her and take care of her. Telling her that I'll reward her somehow for drinking more hot tea just ain't enough. I hate being Useless Dom. Sometimes long-distance relationships really are a bummer.
  • Over where my luscious k lives, it regularly tops 100 degrees this time of year. Where I am it's rarely broken 70, and it's strangely intriguing to think about that differential. Usually when I imagine myself physically alongside her, it's me being in her hot climate, not her being in my cool foggy atmosphere. Sometimes long-distance relationships really are very ineresting.
  • Taylor posted here and in a follow-up post about nomenclature like "Sir" and "Master" and stuff, musing aloud about why she reacts differently to different Doms in terms of levels of respect, etc. And she was kind enough to use me as an example. I know she was discussing her personal reactions, and not making sweeping statements or anything, but it always makes me grimace a bit when ideas of ranking and categorization and standards of judgement come up. Unavoidable amongst D/s circles, it seems.
  • In the same vein, it often piques my interest how, here in the U.S., there seems to be a great correspondence between D/s and social conservatism. Yes, yes, I know there are many many exceptions, but from a completely unscientific sampling of folks I've known over the years, those who crave order and discipline and hierarchy in the bedroom want it in the halls of government as well.
  • Recently, my beloved k sent me pictures of her new house! I didn't think such a thing could add so much to the way I think about her, but I'm surprised at how quickly my visual cortex latched on. Now in my mind, she's not just laying in bed with her hands plunged between her thighs, thinking of me ... she's laying on that bed with her hands plunged between her thighs, thinking of me. Still trying to figure out why I get a big Keanu-esque "woah" in my brain when I picture that.
So that's about it for now. Will spin out some of these threads during the week, I'm sure. Feel better, my precious k.

1 comment:

Irch said...

well let me apologize for what must have been hour after torturous hour (k's entries excepted, of course) of your life wasted in such a pursuit.

But glad to have you as a reader, anyway!