Thursday, January 04, 2007

See and Be Seen

Since my glorious k and I have had difficulty finding time to be online together lately (work schedules plus evening activities plus the time difference all add up to frustration sometimes), I haven't been able to pursue one of the main goals I've wanted to focus on these past months: using the webcam together more often.

Now in case you haven't been following along lately, my outstanding k has opened herself up to the possibilities of the webcam more, and she's also become markedly less shy about sending me pictures of herself, either by request or just when she feels like it. This kind of trust and openness has been a wonderful thing, and something I don't take for granted by a long shot. She is one gorgeous woman, and it's always shocking to me how the look in her eyes can floor me in an instant - all those years of only knowing her through what she typed never prepared me for just how physically beautiful and alluring she is. I find myself wanting more and more.

So since the webcam has been hard to find time for, I went out and got myself one of those camera cell phones about a month back. Now in spare moments at work or at home or at the grocery store or wherever I am, I can snap a picture to send to her. She's got one too, of course, being of the generation for whom cell-phones are second nature, and she'll send me pictures from time to time as well.

All in all, it's been a lot of fun. But I find myself getting kind of manic about it from time to time. I'll send her several pictures in a day, showing my mood or where I am or something on the street that caught my eye. Part of this is the novelty, I'm sure, but it makes me wonder why I look for excuses to send these pictures of myself ... am I that much of an egomaniac? Why does it seem more "personal" somehow to do that rather than type a poignant and romantic message sometimes?

And we haven't even gotten into the realm of cock pictures. Yes, I snap these photos and send them along to her waaay too often. I have no idea why - just because I can, I suppose. I've always had a mild exhibitionist streak, but nothing like this before. I mean, intellectually I know that this is something she's seen before, and she already is aware that she turns me on in thousands of ways every moment. There's no earthly reason for it, but I keep on doing it. I mean, it's flattering to get such positive feedback from her and all, but I don't know if that's the primary motivation. There's definitely a big element of "hey look at me!" involved.

Seems like I'm rambling on today with no real point, so I'll try and make my next blog-post have some actual focus and cohesion. Meanwhile, I've imposed upon my succulent k to write a little bit about her special christmas present soon, so stay tuned!


CZ said...

You do know the suspense is killing me, right? kkkkkk!!!! Please? ;)

Darklord said...

i am definitely curious yet find the suspense quite arousing, actually. i'm am doing much the same with revealing what my christmas gifts to my Owner were, slowly.

But i'll be checking here to see your gift to k was...

Always beautiful fresh posts here, of a loving relationship. Nice.

Irch said...

heh heh. well my tasty k has been very busy of late working on grad-school applications and such, but there will be a post soon, I'm sure. And let's not overdo the anticipation, by the way ... for all you know I could have sent her an old bag of potato chips, right?

yep, I totally would have done that. It's just so very *me*