Friday, March 10, 2006

Take a Haiku

Alrighty, well with nothing better to do today, I'm indulging in some poetry, specifically the mini-me of the poetry world: the haiku.

You all know how it works. three lines. 5 syllables - 7 syllables - 5 syllables. That's pretty much it, except it's sometimes nice to have some kind of a surprise turn in it or something. These will be D/s - related haiku, and at the end I'm gonna tag a few people and see if we can spread the idea a bit around the blogs...

Sunset pink glowing
on rounded hills. I lift my
hand to swat again.

Breathing in time with
you. Heartbeats synced. Bodies fused.
Rhythm. Harmony.

Plundering your mouth.
You open for me sweetly.
I taste surrender.

Holding your soul like
water in my hands. Careful
with each precious drop.

OK so I'll tag the following folks. Just try and do one at least - they don't take too long!

Pet and/or her Master



and of course My own k

have a haiku-licious day!


CZ said...

Thanks for the tag Irch, but I'm gonna have to pass on this one. I have a hatred for all things poetic, *especially* anything I write myself LOL. Master did write me a haiku once, and that one I hold near and dear, but not sharing it either ;)

Irch said...

aw you're no fun Taylor! :P

After your terse post I was looking forward to seeing how minimalistic you could get ;)

tag ya next time...

Anonymous said...



You are deliciously deviant, Irch! I've never written a single line of poetry in my life (that said, my long-term memory isn't the greatest). I'll give it a go, for you. ;) If the result(s) are deemed good, I'll blog them.


Irch said...

Orchidea - whatever becomes of it, just thinking about writing poetry makes you a poetess for a minute. Mentally, anyway.

Master - actually I didn't have a picture on the post at first, but added this one the next day when I found it

Anonymous said...

Come and see!