Wednesday, March 08, 2006


This isn't a "real" post, but just pointing out that some of the links off there to the left have been updated. My intrepid web-explorer k found and added "sticktight," which is quite delicious reading in my opinion - definitely worth checking out. "Sugarclick" is a blog that reviews other sex blogs, with some very nice helpful and entertaining-to-read reviews, so that's a good one too.

And I don't think I've mentioned this here, but both k and I write a goodly amount of erotic literature (aka smut), which we've kept separate from this blog. But there's a link to our ongoing drabble project there now too. A drabble, for those of you not fanfic-literate, is a short fiction piece of exactly 100 words - we've been having fun creating a long chain of these over the past few months.

So that's it. Perhaps tomorrow I'll post something new - my loverly k should have the little anniversary package I sent her by now and maybe there'll be some reactions for me to dissect, overanalyze, and otherwise suck the lifeblood from. yay! good times!

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